Link Crew’s Adventures With Goats

Thea Aquino holding a goat at goat yoga.

Thea Aquino holding a goat at goat yoga.

Link Crew members participated in goat yoga on Thurs., Dec.5 at Rose Bridge Farm sanctuary. They also built an obstacle course for the goats. Link Crew co-adviser Mrs.Vanessa DeLuca stated, “Half the group built a goat obstacle course while the other group did goat yoga, and then we switched…and we got to feed the goats as well.” 

The experience did not stop at just the activities. The sanctuary for the animals was “very inspiring” for the group said Mrs. DeLuca. The owner of the sanctuary saves all of the animals, including goats, cows and even a camel, to put them up for adoption. 

Link Crew co-adviser Mr. Jim Shields added that the farm also preserves the land. “This place is kind of rare because they want to knock it down to build million-dollar homes, but they can’t do that because of the farm,” he said.

Not only did the advisers have fun, but so did the students. Macyia Evans said, “It was really nice and cool. They could answer just about every question we asked. [The camel] was smiling–and he only had one hump!”