Students Vs. Teachers: HH on ClassH-Room

Mr. Bonner, Mr. Enge, Mr. Williams, Mr. Fromal, Ram Krishnamoorthy, Maddy Murphy, Stephanie Mao, Stella Han, Tyler Kirn, Andrew Battaglia, Mrs. Hilker, Ms. Krier and Jacob Devery at the Fox29 Studio for taping.
On Nov. 16, students and teachers went to the Fox29 studio to tape two episodes of “The ClassH-Room,” a trivia show on which three students compete against three teachers from their school. The winning team is awarded $500 and gets to decide how to use that money to better their school.
English and language arts teacher Mrs. Nalene Hilker applied for Hatboro-Horsham to be a part of the show. She said, “I must have seen a piece of an episode, and they had a little blurb saying ‘is your school interested?’ so I applied.” When Mrs. Hilker heard back almost immediately from the producer of the show, she got to organize the student team and the teacher team for each of the two episodes.
The teacher team for the first episode was made up of team captain Mrs. Hilker, science teacher Mr. Tim Enge and mathematics teacher Mr. Derek Fromal competing against the student team of team captain Ram Krishnamoorthy, Stephanie Mao and Andrew Battaglia.
The teacher team for the second episode was made up of social studies teacher and team captain Ms. Kelly Krier, Principal Dennis Williams and science teacher Mr. Christian Bonner. Against them was the student team of the captain Tyler Kirn, Stella Han and Jacob Devery.
English and language arts teacher Mr. Drew Berchick and junior Maddy Murphy also went to the studio as alternatives.
Mrs. Hilker said, “I tried to find a wide variety of content areas to be covered so we had balance among the teams.”
The first episode will air Tues., Nov. 26 at 6:30 p.m. on Fox29 and will be available on YouTube after. Short clips of the episodes will also be available on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. However, the airing date for the second episode has not been decided yet. So check The Hat Chat for updates and go watch the show to find out who took the victory!