A New Virtual Reality
Watch out folks, Hatters are on the road – the virtual reality road! The driver’s education classes recently received an Oculus Rift 2 virtual reality driving simulator. This VR simulator is not in action currently but will be by the week of Nov. 8.
The driver’s education classes are taking turns getting acclimated to VR for 3 to 5 minutes at a time. The acclimation is helping students who may get sick from virtual reality. The students play games like Fun Roller Coaster and Fun House.
“Students who get sick on the virtual reality can use the older simulators,” said Mr. Hager, one of the two driver’s education teachers.
The driving simulator app is being programmed by a company in Silicon Valley, California called Cubit.
This simulator is close to actual driving with its 360-degree view of the surroundings, but they “cannot simulate unexpected things” said Mr. Hager. Mr. Hager has tried to add some unexpected things into the program but there is no way of knowing what could happen when drivers are out on the road.
“The older simulators are going on 9 years and only allow you to see what the screen shows you,” said Mr. Hager. The virtual reality will allow you to parallel park and do everything you will need to do on a road test to get a license.
This new simulator will make students better defensive drivers and cause a better success rate for the road test.