Rocking School of Rock

We’re about a month away from the first play of the school year, and the cast and crew could not be more excited. HH will follow a very successful production of Beauty in the Beast with a unique version of the popular musical School of Rock.

On Dec. 8, the theater department is set to put on its own production of the show, which will have additional scenes, live music and a few unique touches. The show will run Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. 

The story follows Dewey Finn, a rock artist, posing as a substitute school teacher. After discovering copious amounts of musical talents in the students he’s substituting for, he chooses to form a bond with them in hopes of winning an upcoming band competition.

School of Rock was first produced as a movie in 2003, and the musical hit Broadway in 2015. Thanks to the production’s initial success, the popularity of the show has only increased. 

“We’re given the ability to add some sort of flare [or] improv element to add some of our own personalities to the characters,” said senior Caleb Hansford, one of the lead characters in the musical.

For example, Caleb–a passionate kazooist–worked with the directing team to insert a kazoo tune into one of the scenes.

And it isn’t just the lead roles that are contributing. The stage crew, technology department and many others have been working tirelessly to assure that the play runs as smoothly as possible.

“It’s exciting to be able to work behind the scenes and have a good working knowledge of the show. It is a great opportunity meet new people and make new friends,” said freshman stage crew member Aidan Lloyd.

But, once the lights go dark and the show begins, the focus shifts to the student performers.

“I think it’s just the energy we’re bringing to it… [it’s] an energy that you don’t find with a lot of other schools,” said freshman Brenna Lacey, who portrays Mrs. Woodward and Jeff. “The whole cast is really close, and that translates onto the stage. It’s like a big party for every rehearsal. Everybody’s so excited for it. We can’t wait to see what the whole show comes together and looks like.”

With three weeks of rehearsals remaining, the students have started doing run-throughs and line practicing has continued. As the rehearsals progress, the tension is rising. But at the same time, the students are growing closer and becoming a family.

“Well, we’re nervous, but also, we’re excited,” said freshman Kenny Kirsch, who plays Mr. Ward and a security guard. “This is going to be a really fun experience for a lot of people.