Interact Club Uplifting Pediatric Cancer Patients

The Interact Club colored Inspiration Cards for the Sara’s Smiles Foundation, a locally-based nonprofit organization that helps to bring cheer to pediatric cancer patients and their families around the country, throughout the month of February.
The Inspiration Cards are cloud-shaped and can be used to decorate the children’s hospital rooms to lift their spirits. Each cloud has the tagline for the Sara’s Smiles Foundation, “Lift the cloud, inspire the joy.”
The Interact Club members and HH teachers’ children decorated nearly 200 cards. They added uplifting messages and pictures to them.
The Inspiration Cards will go to the children in care packages, which also include small toys, pads for art, a file folder for paperwork and cozy socks, along with other items. The clouds are the personal element of the packages that make the children feel supported.