Red and Black in May This Year??
A lot of the details about 2020 Red and Black are still up in the air, including whether or not it is actually going to happen, but here’s what is known so far:
The Red and Black generals were picked for this year, after a long application process. Students must be very involved in the Red and Black events as a junior and have some experience as a team captain to be seriously considered for the role of a general. Students interested in becoming generals fill out an application and are interviewed. Seniors Olivia (Livy) Walker and Jimmy Tooley are the Red Team generals and seniors Teo Bautista and Thea Aquino are the Black Team generals.
Generals are very important in making sure that the Red and Black events run smoothly. Livy said, “The generals’ role includes everything. We do all of the behind-the-scenes work, while also being the face of the [Red] Team. We pick captains and make decisions for the team. We also work with the captains and decide who gets picked for which event.”
The biggest change this year is that Red and Black Week will be pushed back from March to May. The school is hoping that the extra time might allow for case numbers to decrease and for the distribution of vaccines to our area.
There is a possibility that some of the smaller events may be indoors. However, the generals are playing with the idea of having many events outside, since there will be warmer weather in May.
One problem with having Red and Black be in-person is that the people who are remote and the people who will go back to school for hybrid would mix. Thea said that people who are remote “would possibly have to watch the events through a livestream.”
The Red and Black events will have to be modified to follow CDC guidelines for social distancing. Two of the most highly anticipated Red and Black events, the Red and Black dance teams, are most likely going to happen. The teams will probably not perform in the gym, but rather on the football field where the dancers can more easily spread out.
As for painting the murals, Jimmy said, “Painting is still up in the air. If we are not back to school, painting will probably not happen.” One possibility Jimmy highlighted is that the art captains might each get a small portion of the mural that they would paint by a color by number. The portions would then be put together to create the large murals.
The themes for each team have not been chosen yet. The Red and Black Teams’ themes are an integral part of Red and Black. Last year, the theme for the Red Team was “The Hunger Games” and the theme for the Black Team was “The Purge.” The generals are currently working on picking the themes for this year.
Overall, there are many uncertainties to how Red and Black events will run this year. Teo said, “Like most things this year, everything for Red and Black can change and nothing is set in stone yet.“