Lending a Hand…From Six Feet Apart
Volunteering is an important pillar in the values of HH. Many students are involved in at least one of the three main volunteering clubs: Key Club, Interact and Helping Little Hands. Volunteering clubs and events have been severely affected by COVID restrictions. This has changed key factors of clubs. For example, Key Club and Interact have considered getting rid of their hours requirements. I was able to get the inside scoop on what these clubs are doing this year, since I am an officer in the three clubs.

Key Club, usually the biggest volunteering club, has about 44 members this year. They have only been able to schedule two events so far, according to their Remind chat. One was Reverse Trick or Treating, a car parade for kids on Halloween. Volunteers donated candy, or participated in the car parade. The second was that Key Club spread contributed to the Student Council’s Feed-a-Friend event, a student-run food drive. Key Club spread information about the event on their Instagram, @hhkeyclub.
Club members also participated in the Jarrett Nature Center Green-Up Day. At the JNC, 10 students cleaned up the area while maintaining social distancing. Key Club also has plans on the horizon, such as video-chatting with seniors at assisted living facilities and writing cards for healthcare workers.
Key Club co-president senior Grace Cameron said, “In terms of planning volunteering events during a pandemic, it’s tricky because volunteering really is a hands-on activity and it’s difficult to try and find events to do virtually. We’re working on planning events that can be done at home.”

According to information presented in their club meeting, Interact has other plans. They are trying to make sure that people who do not feel comfortable leaving their homes have events catered for them. Usually, the club works closely with Angels in Motion, an organization that gives supplies to homeless people. The club usually weaves makeshift beds or mats out of plastic bags, colors motivational sheets called hope notes and collects food. Members have continued these efforts, but from home. They have posted tutorials on how to create plarn, plastic bags that have been cut and tied together that will eventually be weaved together into the mats. The video tutorial is on their new Instagram, @hhinteract. The club’s officers also sent out blank hope notes for members to color. The club is currently planning to do a drive for the supplies Angels in Motion needs.
Interact members have also participated in the Feed-a-Friend and JNC events. In addition, the club has created a group on Free Rice, an app where members can complete trivia questions to donate rice to starving populations. Another community service event was attending the Hatboro-Horsham Education Foundation’s virtual panel discussion about PFAS (a toxic chemical) in Horsham’s water supply.
Interact co-president senior Megan Farzetta said, “As a community-based organization it has been a challenge to do the amount of work we usually do; however, we are doing everything possible to help those in need. It is a sensitive time for many and some people may just need a shoulder to lean or an ear to listen. As a community, we are here to help each other through it all. Typically, we would work on our mats during HATS as well as more hands-on work, but this year is a little different. Of course, we are all hopeful that we will be able to come back at some point and have those incredible experiences. There is truly nothing like helping out people who you don’t even know. Our officer team is working tirelessly to try and find opportunities for everyone.”

Helping Little Hands is the third main volunteering club. It has been greatly impacted since their main partner, Gilda’s Club, an organization centered around helping families affected by cancer, has been completely shut down since the beginning of the pandemic. They have had to opt for other community service opportunities, as they discussed in their group meeting led by the officers.
In the beginning of the school year, the club sought to help kids returning to school who may not be able to afford school supplies. Due to COVID restrictions, students can no longer share school supplies and must have their own. So, the club partnered with Aerie at Willow Grove for a school supplies drive. People who donated supplies got 15% off their purchase at the store. The club ended with a box full of supplies that they donated to Hallowell. The club also shared information about the JNC Green Up Day and Feed-a-Friend on their Instagram, @hh_helpinglittlehands. In the future, the club plans to do tee shirts sales among other activities, such as virtual 5ks and making e-cards for healthcare workers.
Helping Little Hands president junior Sarah Brifo said, “The most difficult part about running the club this year is not being able to get as many hours or do any big events because everything is shut down. There are almost no events happening, especially at Gilda’s Club.”