What is Ramadan?


It is that time of year again, when millions of Muslims worldwide wake up before dawn to eat Suhoor and then fast until sunset. So, why are all these Muslims abstaining from food and water? 


One of the main reasons for fasting during Ramadan is it is a way to connect and be more empathetic to those who are less fortunate, in the hopes that it will encourage acts of generosity and a need to give donations. In other words, it is hard to understand the pain of the less fortunate until you have walked a mile in their shoes, and Ramadan paves the road to walk that mile. 


However, this is not the only purpose of Ramadan. As another integral part is self-discipline and control. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims abstain not only from food and water, but bad habits as well. As a result, it helps with trying to resist temptations, the dangers of addiction and poor decision-making. Lastly, as one of Islam’s five pillars, it is also a highly spiritual time to build a better connection with God. 


This year Ramadan started on April 13 and will end on May 13. COVID has made it difficult both last year and this year to hold large gatherings for Iftar, the meal eaten after sunset to break the fast.


Despite this hardship, there have been positives for the Muslim community. For example, this year at the high school, room D108 will be reserved as a quiet room for praying from 10:10 a.m. to 1:45 p.m during the month of Ramadan. Hopefully, this is the continuation of a journey of more awareness and inclusivity of different races, religions and cultures. 


So, if you want to better support the Muslim students and staff in our district, wish them a Ramadan Mubarak or Ramadan Kareem.